Carpentries Instructors’ meeting
- Monday, August 5, 2019
- 9:30-11:00 AM
- Watson 455 and Zoom
Koseva, Brooks-Kieffer, Thomas, Buffington, Russell, Deakyne
- We were joined by Matt Deakyne from KU IT; Matt is interested in Carpentries instructor training and teaching technology things in general. Matt has helped on previous SWC workshops at KU. Welcome, Matt!
- We went around the room for introductions, and then a second round to talk about peoples’ experiences with instructor training, the workshops, the amount of time required, and other items of interest to potential instructors.
- We discussed lots of stuff about the August 20-21 workshop:
- The workshop site: - you can get an up-to-date number of open seats on this page.
- New location: Learned 3152. Thank you, Engineering!
- Appointment for the tech check is forthcoming; needed to be scheduled with the Engineering TSC
- Cort updated the Etherpad with current dining information. Thanks!
- Install-A-Thon?
- Since Price is no longer our location, we can’t co-locate the tech check with the Install-A-Thon. Conversation ensued RE whether it was worth having.
- Consensus: yes, hold the Install-A-Thon. Monday, 8/19, 2:30-4:30, Watson 3rd floor just inside the main doors.
- Add this information to learners’ reminders.
- Helpers!
- Boryana agreed to coordinate the helpers. Thanks!
- Jamene will send Boryana a list of helpers from previous workshops.
- Folks from the instructors’ group will also be helpers. Thanks!
- Jamene created a new helpers’ spreadsheet for this workshop. Link will go out in email. If you get in touch with a helper and they agree, go ahead and add their information to the spreadsheet.
- Boryana and Samantha are also reaching out for helpers from their immediate areas.
- Questions and discussion about the workshop
- Boryana and Samantha will practice the wrap-up activity discussed in the previous Meeting
- Boryana asked about slides running in the room before the workshop / during lunch
- Jamene: yes we did this to notify people to check in to get their refund. Jamene and Tami also did this during the Git workshop on July 19.
- Basic content is: links to workshop site and Etherpad; how to get help; question about software installers and GitHub account (“Did you do it?”)
- Yes, we can do these again. Casey, who attended the Git workshop, indicated that they were mostly effective
- Workshop Promotion
- Discussed promotion strategies, with the following conclusions:
- Jamene will send the announcement template to the instructors’ group
- Jamene will send the announcement to Graduate Studies and the PostDoc mailing list
- Samantha will send the announcement to EPSCoR folks she is in contact with
- Boryana will send the announcement to biosciences on Friday, 8/09
- Cort or Casey will send the announcement to KanREN on Tuesday, 8/13
- Matt will send the announcement internally to IT
- There was no business other than the workshop. We adjourned early!
Action Items:
- Add the Install-A-Thon to learners’ reminder emails
- JBK: Done; it’s in two reminder emails that Eventbrite will send out on Thursday, 8/15, and Sunday, 8/18
- Send an appointment for the Install-A-Thon to the instructors’ group
- JBK: Done; went out Monday 8/05
- Update Catering order with new workshop location
- Send an appointment to Cort and Samantha for the tech check in Learned 3152
- Send a link to the helpers’ spreadsheet to instructors’ group
- Send list of previous helpers to Boryana
- Send contact information for the Libraries’ Eventbrite person to the instructors’ group
- Update workshop intro slides for this workshop, both days
- Send workshop announcement template to instructors’ group
- Send workshop announcement to Graduate Studies and the PostDoc mailing list
- Other announcements roll out according to the schedule agreed to in the meeting (see Workshop Promotion above)
Notes by JBK