Carpentries Instructors’ meeting
- Monday, August 1, 2022
- 9:00-10:00 AM
Brooks-Kieffer, Dwywer, Everman, Katzer, Kisielinski, Koseva, Lanfear, Ramos, Russell, Trana
- Data Carpentry Ecology workshop planning for Fall 2022
- Q&A for instructor checkout tasks
- Update on Carpentries Lesson Development training
- Other topics
Data Carpentry Ecology Fall 2022 planning
Proposal is to offer the workshop twice, back to back, in September and October. Both workshops would take place over four Friday half-days. One event would feature Python, and the other would feature R. Discussion resulted in some changes to the initial idea:
- Schedule the Python version for September and the R version for November
- Offer one event in the morning and the other in the afternoon
Some topics have instructors but there are still instructor openings. The revised schedule is out for review by the group.
The group also briefly discussed an early January workshop over two full days, but did not make any decisions. In the past we have offered Data Carpentry Genomics during this time, but the group agreed that Genomics needs three days.
Q&A for instructor checkout
Several folks are on the verge of completing checkout tasks. Yay!
Carpentries lesson development training
Rob, Terry, and Jamene participated in the pilot offering of a Carpentries Lesson Development workshop in June and July. As part of the workshop they are developing a Carpentries-style lesson on data visualization. The goal is for the lesson to wind up in the Carpentries Incubator. Soon it will be available for others to teach and offer feedback.
The lesson uses the new Carpentries Workbench, which is a completely new lesson template format and underlying technology. Google Sheets is the software used by the lesson for making charts; it was chosen to avoid system incompatibility and installation woes.
Other topics
The group briefly discussed the option of using a remote computing resource for workshops. This is the same resource that Kaylen and Jamene used for the OCR workshop in April 2022, but we hope to get a KU entry point in the near future.
Notes by ERE, posted by JBK