University of Kansas Carpentries Instructors

December 4, 2023 Meeting Notes

Carpentries Instructors’ meeting


Brooks-Kieffer, Sanderson, Swift





Data Carpentry Genomics Workshop

Registration for this workshop opened 12/01; announcements in various venues are rolling out. Feel free to pass along the registration link. We will be using Carpentries AMIs for the workshop with R/Rstudio on a Nautilus image as backup for the R portions.

Other Projects

Joel is planning to pilot his small R (r?) workshop with willing undergraduates after finals, with a goal of getting feedback and identifying additional content to cut out. Discussed feedback mechanisms and areas:

2024 Workshops

With only three people present, we did not try to commit to any specific workshops for next semester. Brian is interested in the HPC Carpentry lessons; these could be relevant for teaching intermediate/advanced workshops on reproducible analysis workflows in HPC environments.

Using HPC resources at KU for teaching is challenging; may be possible to use a cluster at Wichita State that’s dedicated for teaching. Brian will inquire at a K-INBRE meeting; Jamene can check with KanREN if needed.

Instructor Training and Checkout Tasks

Folks are waiting for Q1 2024 workshops to be released.

Notes by JBK, posted by JBK