Carpentries Instructors’ meeting
- Monday, December 4, 2023
- 9:00-10:00 AM
Brooks-Kieffer, Sanderson, Swift
- Updates about Data Carpentry Genomics
- Updates about other projects
- 2024 workshops
- Q&A and support for instructor training and checkout tasks
Data Carpentry Genomics Workshop
Registration for this workshop opened 12/01; announcements in various venues are rolling out. Feel free to pass along the registration link. We will be using Carpentries AMIs for the workshop with R/Rstudio on a Nautilus image as backup for the R portions.
Other Projects
Joel is planning to pilot his small R (r?) workshop with willing undergraduates after finals, with a goal of getting feedback and identifying additional content to cut out. Discussed feedback mechanisms and areas:
- timing
- exercises
- points of confusion
- having an observer for taking notes and timing each section
- having a way to collect anonymous plus/delta feedback after each section
2024 Workshops
With only three people present, we did not try to commit to any specific workshops for next semester. Brian is interested in the HPC Carpentry lessons; these could be relevant for teaching intermediate/advanced workshops on reproducible analysis workflows in HPC environments.
Using HPC resources at KU for teaching is challenging; may be possible to use a cluster at Wichita State that’s dedicated for teaching. Brian will inquire at a K-INBRE meeting; Jamene can check with KanREN if needed.
Instructor Training and Checkout Tasks
Folks are waiting for Q1 2024 workshops to be released.
Notes by JBK, posted by JBK