University of Kansas Carpentries Instructors

November 4, 2024 Meeting Notes

Carpentries Instructors’ meeting


Brooks-Kieffer, Busch, Hanson, Kisielinski, Sanderson, Wilhelm


The Carpentries hosts skill-up sessions on various topics, including how to make a workshop website. Sign up in The Carpentries Community Sessions Etherpad.



Time Series Lesson Development

Michelle and another AIMS project postdoc attended part 1 of Carpentries Collaborative Lesson Development Training in October. They’re developing a broadly focused lesson on time series data in R, using some data from the AIMS project on intermittent streams.

The first episode is done; they’re working on an episode on cleaning a messy dataset. Future episodes will include data manipulation and visualizing time series data in R using different packages. They’ll be developing at least two episodes and offering a trial run of the lesson before training resumes in 2025. They will be meeting with the other AIMS postdocs and offering opportunities to contribute to the developing lesson.

The training so far was useful; it emphasized identifying a target audience, creating learning objectives and exercises. Part 2 involves more focus on collaborative workflow using GitHub.

Workshop planning

January 2025: Genomics

Decided on two full days, DC-Genomics only. Leaving R for later in the semester. Caroline and another instructor TBD; various folks in the meeting were possibly available as helpers or co-instructors for short pieces of teaching.

February (?) 2025: Intro R

Brian, Michelle, and Jess are interested in co-instructing and/or helping. Looking at SWC R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis.

Other topics

Brian asked for feedback on requiring a local software install for a workshop instead of cloud or virtual machine. Lots of thoughts in the group; most supported having a cloud or virtual option.

Notes by JBK, posted by JBK