Carpentries Instructors’ meeting
- Monday, November 2, 2020
- 9:00-10:00 AM
Brooks-Kieffer, Deakyne, Everman, Trana, Zipper
- Insight on Data Carpentry Genomics scheduling
- Scheduling KU workshops around the academic calendar
- Insights on Data Carpentry Social Sciences from an OU workshop
- Announcements
Insights on Data Carpentry Genomics scheduling
In October’s US-Midwest Carpentries region call, Sarah Steves (U. Wisconsin Madison) mentioned her experience that Data Carpentry Genomics is really 3 days of material; she has taught the lessons online over 6 half days (MWF for two weeks). Jamene will put Elizabeth in touch with Sarah for more DC-Genomics insights.
Scheduling KU workshops around the academic calendar
KU Academic Calendar dates to be aware of:
- Fall 2020:
- Classes end 11/24
- Finals are 12/07-12/11
- Grades due 12/18
- Spring 2021:
- 8 week classes begin 01/19
- 16 week classes begin 02/01
- No spring break, but Student Senate is working on getting one holiday per month during the semester
- 16 week classes end 05/07
Assuming two weeks of Data Carpentry Genomics, we would need to begin the workshop on 01/04, 01/11, or 01/19. Currently leaning toward 01/04 so as to not overlap with 8 week classes; the instructors will check calendars and confirm.
We had discussed Data Carpentry Social Sciences for Spring 2021. Insights from Paul’s time as a helper at one of OU’s DC-Social Sciences-R lessons (below) highlighted the advantages of knowing one’s learners in order to pace and deliver the material most effectively. There is a possibility of reaching out to IPSR for some more discipline-specific targeting of learners (and possibly helpers), plus assistance with planning the schedule for best attendance. This could also be a model for the DC-Genomics workshop, although the academic calendar will be more of a challenge for the social sciences workshop. More to come.
The idea for some standalone R workshops is still viable but was pushed forward to summer 2021. More to come here, as well.
Insights on Data Carpentry Social Sciences from an OU workshop
Paul was able to volunteer as a helper for one of OU’s Carpentries workshops; the topic was the DC-Social Sciences R lessons. One of the lessons has already been held; the second lesson is upcoming. Paul’s takeaways included:
- The instructor seemed to know many of the 12-15 learners, who came largely from the Libraries. This rapport made it less intimidating for learners to unmute and ask for help, or to put questions into the chat.
- Knowing the learners, or at least being familiar with their needs and skills, made it easier to pace the workshop effectively. Paul initially thought the pace quite slow, but saw that this pace worked for the learners. There seemed to be catch-up time built in to each hour, so no learner ever got really behind.
- Paul asked about notetaking in an Etherpad; the instructor indicated that they hadn’t been doing it because it took away from the learning and became one more thing to keep up with. Paul’s takeaway was that this is one of the things that’s going to be different from institution to institution.
- These experiences led to conversation about getting to know the needs of possible DC-Social Sciences learners here. Jamene suggested that we could work with IPSR to start to figure out interest, needs, and scheduling. See above for more on this area of the discussion.
Action Items
- Jamene will connect Elizabeth with Sarah Steves
- Elizabeth will confirm January dates; Jamene will check with Casey on this, as well
- Jamene will follow up with workshop instructors on individual events
Notes by JBK