Carpentries Instructors’ meeting
- Monday, February 06, 2023
- 9:00-10:00 AM
Albin, Everman, Kisielinski, Swift, Ramos, Russell, Hanson, Dwyer, Koseva
- Debrief on Data Carpentry Genomics
- Planning for upcoming RNAseq workshop
- Planning/brainstorming for spring semester workshops
- Q&A and support for instructor training and checkout tasks
- Other topics
Upcoming RNAseq Workshop*
This workshop will take place because we didn’t get to the RNAseq component of the Genomics workshop.
We have an image from GPN on jupyter hub that is working and set up to support this workshop. All of the data is uploaded and will be available to learners for the workshop (Thanks Boryana!). Boryana is working on making a subset of files to facilitated the workflow.
Tentative dates: either Feb 23 or 24. This will be a day-long workshop. Friday is the currently preferred day.
Contact for helping get computing resources set up: James Deaton via Casey Russell
Data Carpentry Genomics: Debrief
- Good consistent turnout of learners for all workshop days. One person who registered did not attend. 3-5 people were waitlisted
- Fantastic helpers! Thanks to everyone who assisted.
- Learners were engaged and asked questions and for help
- Carpentries image was outdated and this needs to be something we remember to check next time.
- Outdated software impacted R section because some of the packages couldn’t be downloaded. We worked around this by downloading individual packages instead of the entire tidyverse.
- Remember to remind learners to look at the etherpad for help when they fall a step behind.
- RNAseq workshop was dropped for time. Maybe it makes sense to have this section separate in the future? Possibly consider extending the workshop another half or full day. Maybe work with a third instructor to rotate the time committment burden.
Planning/Brainstorming Spring Workshops
- Kaylen - OCR and unix workshop using jupyter hub will be happening soon. This will be a 3 hour workshop. A text analysis workshop is coming up (this is not Carpentries-based material)
- R workshop - Katie is interested in teaching to fulfill her teaching requirement
- Python workshop for the spring - Kaylen is interested in instructing, possibly reworking something. Rob is interested in contributing
Q&A and support for instructor training and checkout tasks
Katie – completed instructor training (yay!)
Notes by ERE, posted by ERE