Carpentries Instructors’ meeting
- Monday, March 06, 2023
- 9:00-10:00 AM
Albin, Everman, Trana, Swift, Ramos, Katzer, Hanson, Dwyer, Koseva
- Debrief on RNAseq workshop
- Planning/brainstorming for spring semester workshops
- Q&A and support for instructor training and checkout tasks
- Other topics
Debrief RNAseq Workshop*
- Instances worked really well. James Deaton helped us set this up from great plains network and helped preload packages and allocate resources.
- Morning went well and was straightforward.
- People attended the full day (little dropoff of attendees)
- Keep in mind other people from outside KU had to work on logging on. They needed to clear cookies and cache in a regular window (not incognito window). You can use gmail or github to login.
- Afternoon: ignore experimental design and choose a simpler model to demonstrate differential expression analysis. (test effect of treatment only with the current dataset, for example)
- Include the feedback surveys
- Give more notice to people about what we are going to be using. Ask learners to log in once to catch issues with logging in. Possibly set up office hours to have people log in and test access
For future:
- Can be added to the end of the genomics, but having separation between the workshops worked.
- Learners definitely need to have had the genomics material recently before they take the rnaseq workshop for the bash material
Spring Semester Workshops
- Katie is interested in an R workshop.
- Elizabeth will send around an excel sheet so that we can start planning workshops
Notes by ERE, posted by ERE